20th Annual
Poems Under the Dome
April 11th 2025
North Light Court, inside San Francisco City Hall
That's right, poets! We're back inside City Hall!
Show up!
Celebrate Poetry Month!
It's a FREE open mic poetry assembly.
Put your name in the green top hat
for a chance to read your favorite poem or one of your own!
Readers get 3 minutes, but reading shorter poems
means more poets get to participate!
WHO is coming???
Diamond Dave Whitaker
E.K. Keith
Global Val Ibarra
Charlie Getter
Richard Ivanhoe
Dan Brady
will be there too!
Jorge Molina
will give us a community blessing!
Youth Poets!
SF Poet Laureate Genny Lim!
and you come too!
See you there!
Special thanks to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco Public Library, and the Friends of SFPL
for all these years of support for this amazing community event!
We are STILL grateful to everybody who has helped every year!
Poems Under the Dome
Many Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors!
Thank you!
The Mayor & The Board of Supervisors
Thank you!
The San Francisco Public Library
Thank you!
The Friends of the San Francisco Public Library
Thank you!
Bird & Beckett Books
Thank you!
Logue Studio Design
Thank you!
The Keith Law Office
Thank you!
Cat Bell & Richard Ivanhoe
Thank you!
Mutiny Radio
Thank you!
Global Val Ibarra
Thank you!
Dan Brady
Thank you!
C. E. Xavier
Thank you!
E.K. Keith
Thank you!
Diamond Dave Whitaker
Thank you!
20th Annual
Poems Under the Dome
April 11th 2025
North Light Court, inside San Francisco City Hall
That's right, poets! We're back inside City Hall!
Show up!
Celebrate Poetry Month!
It's a FREE open mic poetry assembly.
Put your name in the green top hat
for a chance to read your favorite poem or one of your own!
Readers get 3 minutes, but reading shorter poems
means more poets get to participate!
WHO is coming???
Diamond Dave Whitaker
E.K. Keith
Global Val Ibarra
Charlie Getter
Richard Ivanhoe
Dan Brady
will be there too!
Jorge Molina
will give us a community blessing!
Youth Poets!
SF Poet Laureate Genny Lim!
and you come too!
See you there!
Special thanks to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco Public Library, and the Friends of SFPL
for all these years of support for this amazing community event!
We are STILL grateful to everybody who has helped every year!
Poems Under the Dome
Many Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors!
Thank you!
The Mayor & The Board of Supervisors
Thank you!
The San Francisco Public Library
Thank you!
The Friends of the San Francisco Public Library
Thank you!
Bird & Beckett Books
Thank you!
Logue Studio Design
Thank you!
The Keith Law Office
Thank you!
Cat Bell & Richard Ivanhoe
Thank you!
Mutiny Radio
Thank you!
Global Val Ibarra
Thank you!
Dan Brady
Thank you!
C. E. Xavier
Thank you!
E.K. Keith
Thank you!
Diamond Dave Whitaker
Thank you!